Timing must be utilized by students for using reference books & other reading material for note making during school hours.
Library should not be made a gossip center.
The students of class IV onward must become the member of School Library, for which they will have to deposit Rs. 10/- to the librarian (as library membership fees) for Library Card. Then only they can borrow books from Library.
If the user has lost his/her Library Borrower’s card, then he/ she will have to write an application to the Librarian for issuing duplicate Library Borrower Card for that he/she will have to deposit Rs10 only as fine.
The Library Books will be issued to the students for 7 days only; it can be extended for the next 5 days provided another student has not demanded it.
The students are advised to return the Library books within the stipulated time period otherwise they will have to pay a fine @ Rs. 0.50 per day.
In case the student has lost or damaged the library book, then they will have to pay double of the price of the book along with the fine.